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Our People

At Metrix we believe in creating a safe, supportive and inclusive working environment in which we believe serves as the foundation of a loyal, happy and productive task force!


Our President Director

Director, Mr. Ngadimun earned his MM from the Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in the Philippines. He has more than thirty years of experience in the food industry, particularly in its marketing and distribution sector.

His career started with PT. Tempo (a distribution company in 1971). In 1979-1995, he joined the Indofood group (a processed package food manufacturing company) where he climbed the ranks until he achieved the title of Director.

In 1995, he established PT. Sentrafood Indonusa (Salam-mie Instant Noodle) and PT. Metrix Indonesia (as the distribution company) together with PT. Medco Intidinamika and PT. Medco Duta. In 2004, Mr. Ngadimun took over PT. Metrix Indonesia from Medco group.

Mr. Ngadimun is now responsible for overall business activities of all the subsidiary companies within the Metrix Group (PT. Mitra Jaya Persada, PT. Mitra Periangan Persada, PT. Mitra Sehati Sekata, PT. Mitra Mentari Jaya Persada)

PHOTO: Mr. Ngadimun & Management Staff at Annual Meeting 

PHOTO: Mr. Ngadimun & Management Staff at Annual Meeting